由德国设计委员会主办的国际建筑与设计大奖 2017 标志性设计奖(Iconic Awards),现已开放报名,接受建筑师、设计师和制造商提交项目申请。
标志性设计奖(Iconic Awards)致力于在独立的建筑和设计比赛中奖励跨学科互动的杰出范例,旨在发掘国际上杰出的建筑项目、创新的室内和产品设计以及在建筑文脉领域引人注目的交流。
今年,将特别关注下一代后起之秀和年轻的企业。凭借年轻建筑(Young Architecture)赞助项目和授予特别奖励,该设计大奖为年轻的建筑师、事业起步的年轻人和初创企业提供了初始财务援助。
奖金总计达 30,000 欧元,将授予以下三个特殊类别:
· 年度建筑师
· 年度室内设计师
· 后起之秀:年度年轻建筑师
再一次诚邀建筑师、设计师、建筑界和工业界,携作品参与本年度 ICONIC AWARDS。比赛报名截止日期为: 2017 年 5 月 18 日。
来自建筑、室内设计、设计和品牌传播领域的知名代表将组成独立评审团,从建筑、室内设计、产品、传播和概念等类别中评选出优胜者以及 ICONIC AWARDS 的最高荣誉 Best of Best 大奖。此外,评审团还将颁发三个特别奖项:年度建筑师、年度室内设计师和年度年轻建筑师。另设有一个荣誉奖项,名为年度建筑师客户奖。
标志性设计奖(ICONIC AWARDS)是由德国设计委员会举办的一项整体设计比赛,该比赛每年举办一次,以表彰卓越出众的建筑项目和产品。同时也奖励出类拔萃的个人和公司。
有关详细参选要求和如何提交您的作品,敬请访问 标志性设计奖网站。
▲ 去年,Adjaye Associates 建筑事务所被授予了“年度建筑师”的称号。这家设在伦敦的工作室负责设计了令人印象深刻的项目,例如位于华盛顿的史密森学会(Smithsonian Institution)国家非洲裔美国人历史与文化博物馆和位于英国波特兰的 MEMO 项目。Last year, the architectural firm Adjaye Associates was awarded the title of "Architects of the Year". The London-based studio is responsible for the designs of such impressive projects as the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC and the MEMO Project in Portland in the United Kingdom.
▲ 去年,评审团将特殊类别中的“年度项目奖”颁发给了坐落在杭州的中国美术学院民俗艺术博物馆,该项目是由位于东京的隈研吾都市设计事务所(Kengo Kuma & Associates)所设计的。该优胜项目的主题围绕着人际互动,强调人与自然栖息地的融合。For the last year’s special category of "Project of the Year", the jury decided in favour of the Folk Art Museum in Hangzhou, China, planned for the China Academy of Art. The project was designed by the Tokyo-based studio Kengo Kuma & Associates. The theme of the award-winning project is human interaction, with the central focus being placed on the relationship between human beings and their natural habitat.
▲ 评审团授予 Faye Toogood“年度室内设计师”称号,因为她一次又一次地通过非凡的室内空间创造出迷人的氛围。The jury's pick for the title of "Interior Designers of the Year" was Faye Toogood who manages time and time again to produce fascinating atmospheres through her extraordinary interior spaces.
▲ MUJI 無印良品有限公司获得了“年度建筑师客户奖”,表彰该公司增进了建筑承包公司对建筑的全面理解。这家日本公司聘用了众多知名建筑师和设计师,如葛契奇(Konstantin Grcic)、贾斯珀·莫里森(Jasper Morrison)和深泽直人(Naoto Fukasawa)等。公司最新设计系列包括三个紧凑的活动房屋,每套都符合无印良品对房屋质量、功能性和可持续化方面的高标准。The prize of honour "Architects' Client of the Year", which honours the fostering of a holistic understanding of architecture on the part of a contracting company, was awarded to MUJI – RYOHIN KEIKAUCO.,LTD.. The Japanese company employs the talents of renowned architects and designers, such as Konstantin Grcic, Jasper Morrison and Naoto Fukasawa, for its designs. The company's latest series consists of three compact, mini prefab houses, each of which does justice to Muji's high standards of quality, functionality and sustainability.
▲ 在媒体的瞩目下,颁奖典礼将于 2017 年 10 月 4 日在建筑界享誉盛名的宝马世界的“双锥”内举行,该标志性建筑由创立于维也纳的蓝天组(Coop Himmelb(l)au)完成。Guaranteed to attract media attention, the awards ceremony will be held on October 4, 2017 in the architecturally renowned double cone of BMW Welt, an architectural icon conceived by the Viennese architectural firm Coop Himmelb(l)au.
Entries are open for architects, designers and manufacturers to submit projects for this year's Iconic Awards, an international architecture and design award organised by the German Design Council.
The Iconic Awards honour superb examples of the interaction of all disciplines in an independent architecture and design competition which focuses on internationally outstanding construction projects, innovative interior and product design as well as compelling communication in an architectural context.
This year, special attention will be paid to the next generation and young companies. With the Young Architecture sponsorship program and an endowed special prize, the award provides initial financial assistance to young architects, young people embarking on their careers and start-ups.
Prize money amounting to EUR 30,000 in total will be awarded in three special categories:
· Architects of the Year
· Interior Designers of the Year
· Next-generation Prize: Young Architects of the Year
Nominations for the special categories Architects of the Year and Interior Designers of the Year will be made by a specialist jury as well as representatives of the trade media. Young architects can apply for the sponsorship programme and will receive a share of the Young Architects of the Year award.
Architects, designers, the building sector and industry are once more invited to participate in the ICONIC AWARDS with their contributions. Applications for the competition will be accepted through 18 May 2017.
An independent jury composed of renowned representatives from the fields of architecture, interior design, design and brand communication will choose the Winners and Best of Best of the ICONIC AWARDS in the categories Architecture, Interior, Product, Communication and Concept. In addition, the jury will award the three endowed special prizes: Architects of the Year, Interior Designers of the Year and Young Architects of the Year.
A honorary prize dignifies the Architects’ Client of the Year.
The ICONIC AWARDS — a holistically designed competition under the aegis of the German Design Council — are held annually to recognise exceptional architectural projects and products. The renowned competition also honours the work of outstanding individuals and companies.
For details about entry requirements and how to submit your work, visit the Iconic Awards website.
其成员目前包括 260 多家公司。
于 1953 年在德国联邦议院的倡议下成立,旨在增强德国工业设计竞争力。
German Design Council
The German Design Council is one of the world’s leading competence centres for communication and brand management in the field of design.
Its members currently include over 260 companies.
The German Design Council was founded in 1953
on the initiative of the German Bundestag to strengthen design competence in the German industry.
Its varied activities have just one aim,
namely to communicate the sustainable increase in brand value through the strategic use of design.